What We Have Done To Help Our Community
What we have given back to our community
(We do not display names for their privacy and respect for them and their individual needs)
*** ShenCoCares set up an account for the Victims of the arson fire in Toms Brook , VA. with City National Bank in Strasburg so they could receive financial donations. We also set up an account for them with "On Second Thought" consignment shop in the Woodstock Shopping Center to be able to purchase the things they needed ASAP such as clothing and household items they would need immediately.
**** After the Shenandoah Shelter Alliance helped a family get into an apartment, we assisted them with basic household needs such as sheets and provided them food and places that had food banks etc.
*** With assistance from Shenandoah Memorial Hospital we raised over $1,900.00 to put an elderly couple who had no home into a nursing home where they could get the care and help they needed.
*** 12 families have been helped over this past Christmas with gifts for the children and meals.
*** We host as many FREE admission - FREE food (while it lasts) Family Friendly, Non Alcoholic events as possible to give back to our Community.
Sharon M Hollar
Executive Director ShenCoCares/SVCC