Welcome to ShenCoCares/SVCC -Shenanodoah Valley CBIN Assocation Inc.
Who Is ShenCoCares/SVCC?
The Shenandoah Valley CBIN Association Inc.t/a ShenCoCares - Family Fun Fest, and SVCC, is a dedicated Network of Non-Profit Organizations, Individuals, Community Leaders and Businesses who have joined together to use our resources, gifts, talents, and time to make a positive impact in our Community.
The corporation functions as much as possible with volunteers, not only to minimize expenses, but to demonstrate to the community the spirit of working together for the common good of the community.
ShenCoCares-SVCC promotes activities that are enjoyed and enjoyable for both men and woman, young and young at heart. The Corporation is organized exclusively for the charitable purposes of enhancing our citizens and no part of its earnings shall benefit any individual or entity.
Who Are We?
* ShenCoCares is: (YOU our volunteers, our community partners & neighbors.)
We provide family friendly activities, seminars, networking, co-op fundraising events, luncheons and more that are enjoyable for men, women, children, young and young at heart. ShenCoCares/SVCC along with our community partners will strive to provide family friendly activities and events.
Our Mission & Vision Statement:
SVCC/ShenCoCares is a Non-Profit Coalition who partners with other Non- Profit Organizations, Individuals, Businesses and Community Leaders. SVCC strives to be the Bridge between Need and Assistance by using our collective resources and talents for those in need in our county and beyond by providing family friendly events and opportunities for our community.
SVCC Vision is working with our community partners to ensure that not one of our citizens should ever need to be by the roadside asking for help. Shenandoah County boasts THE Greatest Collaboration of Organizations to help our citizens in the surrounding areas and we want to be the bridge between (Need and Assistance) in Shenandoah County and beyond.
Long Term Goals:
* To have a Community Resource Office and provide information on ALL resources to our citizens
*To work with other organizations to provide a Community Center for our youth - Olympic pool -homeless shelter
*To build a Convention and Welcome Center to host events
* To Re-establish the County Volunteer Farm